HorseGeneAnnotation Crowd sourcing the equine genome


Thank you for taking the time to help participate in this project. As you are working through the tutorial we would like you to consider the following questions and provide feedback on your experience. This will allow us to improve the content of the tutorial to serve future users and make sure that the neccesary background information is provided.

General Questions

  1. Were there any words used in the tutorial that were not properly explained or were confusing? If able, please list the words and where you found them in the tutorial.

  2. Did you find any steps difficult to complete with the provided text and images? Please elaborate on which steps were confusing and anything you would have liked explained better.

  3. Were you able to locate the genes and all of the neccesary exon information (transcripts, length, splice sites, stop/start codons, 5’ and 3’ UTR) to proceed through the tutorial appropriately?

  4. Did you find the images/figures helpful to work through “Tutorial” and “What is Gene Annotation”. Anything you would like to see clarified?

Gene Specific Questions

  1. Please fill out the following information regarding these horse genes:


  • Number of exons:
  • Annotated Amino Acid length:
  • Does it have a start codon? What exon is it on?
  • Does it have a stop codon? What exon is it on?
  • Are all splice junctions appropriate?
  • Does it contain a 5’ and 3’ UTR?


  • Number of exons:
  • Annotated Amino Acid length:
  • Does it have a start codon? What exon is it on?
  • Does it have a stop codon? What exon is it on?
  • Are all splice junctions appropriate?
  • Does it contain a 5’ and 3’ UTR?


  • Number of exons:
  • Annotated Amino Acid length:
  • Does it have a start codon? What exon is it on?
  • Does it have a stop codon? What exon is it on?
  • Are all splice junctions appropriate?
  • Does it contain a 5’ and 3’ UTR?
  1. Please provide any additional comments or constructive criticism to improve this tutorial and experience: